Depleted Uranium-Maj.Doug Rokke - Rochester, NY
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- Publication date
- 2003
- Topics
- depleted uranium, gulf war syndrome, soldiers, iraq, kuwait, afghanistan, u.s. military, war, military
- Publisher
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 216.5M
Maj. Doug Rokke, PhD, was tasked to do the 1991 Gulf War clean-up of 'depleted uranium' - DU -- for the U.S. Army. Here he speaks to veterans and anti-war activists. Rokke exposes the US military's total indifference to the fate of not only the Iraqi people, b ut also to the men and women in the US military and the rest of the world. Rokke was told to lie by his superiors about the harmful effects of DU while he himself and his military comrades were sick and dying of DU poisoning. (part 1 of 4) 10min
Maj. Doug Rokke, PhD, was tasked to do the 1991 Gulf War clean-up of 'depleted uranium' - DU -- for the U.S. Army. Here he speaks to veterans and anti-war activists. Rokke exposes the US military's total indifference to the fate of not only the Iraqi people, b ut also to the men and women in the US military and the rest of the world. Rokke was told to lie by his superiors about the harmful effects of DU while he himself and his military comrades were sick and dying of DU poisoning. (part 1 of 4) 10min
- Addeddate
- 2007-07-29 21:31:12
- Color
- color
- Identifier
- rokkejuly07part1
- Location
- rochester, new york
- Run time
- 10min
- Sound
- sound
- Year
- 2003
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September 16, 2014
Subject: The lack of seriousness in other reviews
Subject: The lack of seriousness in other reviews
It's absolutely flabbergasting and appaling the level of the other reviews here - and the fact that they have not been removed, scathing unsubstantiated accusations by other users, with no source, even citing highschool violence against the subject purely to discredit defame and ridicule him. This is beyond juvenile and completely farsical to let stand if this is to be considered a serious website.
Jan Johansen, Oslo. Norway
Jan Johansen, Oslo. Norway
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October 19, 2008
Subject: Rokke? You must be kidding!
Subject: Rokke? You must be kidding!
I went to grade school (Rockland) and high school (Libertyville HS, Class of '67), and lived several houses down from Doug. I can tell you he was ALWAYS a very poor student and was certainly considered a pathetic follower who was frequently picked on by other students, which probably accounts for his current interest in self-promotion. I wonder who he paid off to get a Ph.D! His classmates are having big laugh over this one!!!!!
Hey, Doug, remember when Tom Burns knocked out your front tooth at that Saturday night poker game after you made a really stupid comment(your specialty)? I guess the damage was more than we thought!!!!
I have to attribute Doug's incessant promotion of DU to his insecurities stemming from his childhood traumas of being an irrelevant moron. Folks, this is strictly a self-interest attempt at fame and recognition that was lacking during his formative years of growing up. Of course, it seems to me that this is a common thread of the liberal left that so wants to disparage and condemn the United States. They are losers looking for acceptance and Rokke fits that description. Rokke was a middle school substitute teacher, people!! Get real!
Well, Doug. I hope you're proud of yourself and finally have been able to make a living from all your lies. So sad. I guess all the things kids used to say about you ARE true.
Hey, Doug, remember when Tom Burns knocked out your front tooth at that Saturday night poker game after you made a really stupid comment(your specialty)? I guess the damage was more than we thought!!!!
I have to attribute Doug's incessant promotion of DU to his insecurities stemming from his childhood traumas of being an irrelevant moron. Folks, this is strictly a self-interest attempt at fame and recognition that was lacking during his formative years of growing up. Of course, it seems to me that this is a common thread of the liberal left that so wants to disparage and condemn the United States. They are losers looking for acceptance and Rokke fits that description. Rokke was a middle school substitute teacher, people!! Get real!
Well, Doug. I hope you're proud of yourself and finally have been able to make a living from all your lies. So sad. I guess all the things kids used to say about you ARE true.
favorite -
June 20, 2008 (edited)
Subject: Douglas Lind Rokke, PhD Vocational Education
Subject: Douglas Lind Rokke, PhD Vocational Education
Douglas Lind Rokke, PhD Vocational Education served in the Gulf War as a First Lieutenant US Army Reserve; he was not considered an expert on depleted uranium or radiation at the time. He was the junior member of a group of three Army officers, the other two of which were trained Health Physicists with the proper academic credentials. Rokke has been misrepresenting who he is and what he knows since at least as far back as 1999 when he capitalized on his lies about depleted uranium to get an all expense paid trip to London England and Cambridge. He slandered me because I told him Major Rokke, US Army Reserve Retired (not Major US Army Retired, that is just his carefully cultivated personna)that if the US Army was not following its own regulations that he should submit a complaint to the Department of Defense Inspector General. I told him that from the experience of having done just that with a Navy fraud case in 1992 and having gone to the newspapers in 1995 and being branded as a "whistleblower" ever since. I have taken the hard road; Rokke pretends to have taken the hard road. His videos should be consigned to the trash. To learn more about Rokke, Leuren K Moret, a close associate, Asaf Durakovic, who has demonstrated his ignorance on CNN and yet is still held as a hero by the anti-depleted uranium crusade that started when Saddam Hussein wanted out from under the UN Sanctions that ended the Gulf War, read the following:
Depleted Uranium is not benign. No munition is, but it is also not a horrific weapon of war that poisons the landscape forever. If you would like to learn more in a light setting, go to and watch dinner being served and eaten off of a depleted uranium glazed orange Fiesta Ware (a popular Art Deco style) plate. If you would like to learn more about Douglas Lind Rokke, aka Doctor Rokke (but he never prominently tells you that the PhD is in Vocational Education or that his exciting thesis title was "Perceived physics concepts needed to teach secondary technology education as general education" and that he has no academic experience in teaching about or researching depleted uranium - he is not a scientist, he is an educator, and apparently a very poor one at that since he has never held a job above temporary assistant professor or substitute teacher in his local public school system), aka Major Rokke (he portrays himself as a 30 year career veteran, not as someone who served less than two years active duty as a Reserve Army Officer and about 20 years at home in Illinois in the Army Reserve and National Guard - I have attached his record of service from enlistment in the Air Force in 1967 through 1998 and DD214 from Desert Storm; Major Rokke did not serve in the Gulf War; First Lieutenant Rokke served there; First Lieutenant Rokke did not serve in combat and Rokke's claim to be a disabled combat veteran is completely false). If you would like to view other documents, write to me or go to and follow the instructions to go sign in as a guest "duseeker" with the given password and then go to the Files Section. A publicly available list of the documents as of a couple of days ago is given in the message, but these are not links and if you click on them from the message, you will not get to the documents. You need to sign in and go to the Files Section - the documents are linked from there. If you would like to learn more about DU, uranium and radiation in general, go to which lists the links to other websites. These links are publicly available; you do not need to sign in to link to these other websites.
If you would like a copy of the full message from which the above has been excerpted, please, write to me at and I will send you the message plus the eight attached documents. You will also learn about a connection that Rokke and Dave Von Kleist had at a rather unusual convention, one that most of you would not attend or even agree to have held in your community. I look forward to reading your inquiries.
See also for the Chemical Review article that Rokke co-authored while serving as Captain Rokke at the Chemical Corps School at Fort McClellan. This article contradicts what Rokke says today.
Depleted Uranium is not benign. No munition is, but it is also not a horrific weapon of war that poisons the landscape forever. If you would like to learn more in a light setting, go to and watch dinner being served and eaten off of a depleted uranium glazed orange Fiesta Ware (a popular Art Deco style) plate. If you would like to learn more about Douglas Lind Rokke, aka Doctor Rokke (but he never prominently tells you that the PhD is in Vocational Education or that his exciting thesis title was "Perceived physics concepts needed to teach secondary technology education as general education" and that he has no academic experience in teaching about or researching depleted uranium - he is not a scientist, he is an educator, and apparently a very poor one at that since he has never held a job above temporary assistant professor or substitute teacher in his local public school system), aka Major Rokke (he portrays himself as a 30 year career veteran, not as someone who served less than two years active duty as a Reserve Army Officer and about 20 years at home in Illinois in the Army Reserve and National Guard - I have attached his record of service from enlistment in the Air Force in 1967 through 1998 and DD214 from Desert Storm; Major Rokke did not serve in the Gulf War; First Lieutenant Rokke served there; First Lieutenant Rokke did not serve in combat and Rokke's claim to be a disabled combat veteran is completely false). If you would like to view other documents, write to me or go to and follow the instructions to go sign in as a guest "duseeker" with the given password and then go to the Files Section. A publicly available list of the documents as of a couple of days ago is given in the message, but these are not links and if you click on them from the message, you will not get to the documents. You need to sign in and go to the Files Section - the documents are linked from there. If you would like to learn more about DU, uranium and radiation in general, go to which lists the links to other websites. These links are publicly available; you do not need to sign in to link to these other websites.
If you would like a copy of the full message from which the above has been excerpted, please, write to me at and I will send you the message plus the eight attached documents. You will also learn about a connection that Rokke and Dave Von Kleist had at a rather unusual convention, one that most of you would not attend or even agree to have held in your community. I look forward to reading your inquiries.
See also for the Chemical Review article that Rokke co-authored while serving as Captain Rokke at the Chemical Corps School at Fort McClellan. This article contradicts what Rokke says today.
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